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Pulmonary thrombosis in the mouse following intravenous administration of quantum dot-labeled mesenc

  1. Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel.


Quantum dots (QDs) are emerging as novel diagnostic agents. Yet, only a few studies have examined the possible deleterious effects of QD-labeled stem cells. We assessed the potential toxic effects of QD-labeled human embryonic palatal mesenchymal (QD-HEPM) cells in male NOD/SCID mice for six months, following the administration of a single intravenous injection. Control animals were administered with non-labeled HEPM cells. No treatment-related clinical signs, hematological, or biochemical parameters were found in the QD-HEPM animals in comparison to control animals. Histologically, multifocal organizing thrombi were noted in the pulmonary arteries of all QD-HEPM animals from the one-week study group and in one animal from the one-month group. Additionally, increased severity of perivascular inflammation was noted at the injection sites of QD-HEPM animals from the one-week group. This is the first study reporting histopathological evidence for pro-thrombotic adverse effects mediated by QD labeling.

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