Safety and biodistribution profile of placental-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (PLX-PAD) followin
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Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, Israel.
The administration of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) provides an exciting emerging therapeutic modality for the treatment of peripheral arterial disease, a condition that is associated with critical limb ischemia as its end stage. Placental-derived MSCs, termed PLX-PAD cells, are stable adhesive stromal cells isolated from full-term human placentae, cultured on carriers, and expanded in a bioreactor called the PluriX. These cells can be expanded in vitro without phenotypic or karyotypic changes. We studied the safety and biodistribution properties of PLX-PAD cells following intramuscular administration in NOD/SCID mice. No significant clinical signs, hematological and biochemical parameters, or major pathological changes were found in PLX-PAD-treated animals in comparison to vehicle controls. Several animals in the control and PLX-PAD-treated groups developed thymic malignant lymphoma, first seen after one month, as expected in this mouse strain. In addition, both groups developed spontaneous mesenteric vessel inflammation. Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) demonstrated that distribution of PLX-PAD cells was confined to the injection site. Placental-derived MSCs remained in this site with gradual decrease in concentration during a three-month period. In view of these data, we conclude that the administration of PLX-PAD cells is not associated with any adverse effects in NOD/SCID mice