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Effects of iodine on inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in sulfur musta

  1. Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, USA.


In a previous study we demonstrated the protective effect of topical iodine as postexposure treatment for sulfur mustard (SM) application. The iodine treatment results in significantly reduced inflammation and necrosis and increased epidermal hyperplasia. The expression and localization of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) in paraffin-embedded skin samples from that study were evaluated in the present investigation. We compared the immunoreactivity of iNOS and COX-2 using five samples from each of the following four test sites: untreated control sites, SM-exposed sites, sites treated with iodine mixture 15 min after SM exposure, and sites treated with iodine 30 min after SM exposure. All animals were killed 2 days after irritant exposure. iNOS immunoreactivity was present only in skin sites exposed to SM without iodine treatment. The ulcerated skin was covered with a relatively thick band of exudate composed of iNOS-immunostained polymorphonuclear cells and macrophages. In untreated skin, COX-2 immunostaining was limited to the thin suprabasal epidermal layer. In SM-exposed skin, induction of COX-2 was noted in inflammatory cells located close to the site of epidermal injury. In skin sites treated with iodine 15 or 30 min after SM exposure, the regenerating hyperplastic epithelium showed moderate cytoplasmic staining localized to the epithelium overlying the basal layer. This pattern of staining was also present in the nearby dermal fibroblasts. Thus, in contrast to the skin samples exposed to SM without iodine treatment, the epidermal layer expressing immunohistochemical positivity for COX-2 was thicker and corresponded to the epidermal hyperplasia noted in samples treated with iodine. It is well documented that prostaglandins (PGs) promote epidermal proliferation, thereby contributing to the repair of injured skin. That the induction of the COX-2 shown in our study may also play a role in the healing process is indicated by the present evidence. The results suggest that nitric oxide radicals (NO*) are involved in mediating the damage induced by the SM and that iodine-related reduction in acute epidermal inflammation is associated with reduced iNOS expression.

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